'Follow me on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ironfoxin/ VEGETARIAN PROTEIN FOODS|வெஜிடேரியன் புரோட்டீன் உணவுகள் |2019 WORKOUT PLAN LINK: https://dl.orangedox.com/workoutplanironfox Links: VEGETARIAN PROTEIN FOODS In English: https://youtu.be/vH9KbxI8YrA HOW TO LOSE/GAIN WEIGHT|TAMIL|2019: https://youtu.be/lXjgHvCHOMs SOYA CHUNK RECIPES: https://blog.udemy.com/soya-chunks-recipe/ RAJAMA RECIPE: https://www.cookwithmanali.com/rajma-masala/#wprm-recipe-container-36145 Maintanence Calories Calculator: https://mdindiaonline.com/licnew/CalorieCalculate.aspx My Kitchen Scale https://amzn.to/2XbvWmF My Weighing maching - https://amzn.to/2YvQuHO --------------------------------------------------------- What\'s up guys! In this Video I’ll be telling you guys my top 7 Vegetarian Protein foods. Make sure you like the video and subscribe to the channel for more informational videos! ---------------------------------------------------------- Ironfox Fitness- A channel specifically for fitness videos made in both Tamil and English. Welcome to my life :) INSTAGRAM : @ironfoxfitnessindia e-mail: [email protected]'
Tags: protein , vegetarian , FOODS , protein foods , tamil fitness , protein foods tamil , vegetarian foods , vegetarian protein foods , vegetarian protein foods tamil , veg protein , veg protein foods
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